Gasoline aid: who is entitled to receive it, amounts and how to apply

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If you keep up with government news, you've probably heard about the gasoline aid. In March 2022, the bill (PL) 1472/21 was approved by senators, but unfortunately there is still no prior date for the benefit to come into effect. 

Even so, it is important to know who the people are who will be entitled to receive this benefit and how the requests will be made, in addition to what the maximum amount that can be received is. This financial aid is intended to help workers in the transportation sector, mainly due to the increase in the price of gasoline.

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Considering the confusion that understanding the gasoline assistance may cause, since it is a project that is not yet in vogue, we have prepared this text with all the information you need to know so far. Read on!

Who is entitled to receive the gasoline aid?

Although it is a benefit offered by the government, not all drivers in the country can apply for and receive it. The first requirement to be met by those who wish to receive the gasoline aid is that the interested party must already be registered with Auxílio Brasil, because the benefit is specific to those who benefit from the program.

It is also necessary to be registered with CadÚnico and meet all the requirements, such as having a monthly income of up to 3 minimum wages. Finally, it is extremely important to emphasize that the gasoline assistance is to cover the expenses of people who work specifically in transportation.

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In other words: self-employed drivers (taxi drivers or app drivers), drivers of small boats, moped drivers, and others; but, of course, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements that have already been mentioned previously.

Read also: Vale Gás: Learn how to apply for this benefit!

What are the values of the gasoline allowance?

The maximum possible amount offered by the gasoline aid is R$$300 reais. However, there are also requirements to be met in order to receive this or another amount. See below what they are:

  • Self-employed app drivers or taxi drivers and drivers of small boats with engines up to 16HP can receive R$300.00;
  • Motorcycle taxi drivers with mopeds of up to 125cc will receive R$100.00.

And, once again, we remind you that the gasoline aid will be offered to people who already receive Auxílio Brasil or who will register but meet the required requirements. Follow now how you can apply to start receiving it.

How to apply for gasoline assistance

As we made quite clear at the beginning of this text, the aid has not yet started to be paid to everyone, but that does not mean that measures have not been taken even if the law is not yet in force.

The federal government was responsible for the initial registration from July 25 to 31. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTP) requested data from city halls throughout Brazil on registered taxi drivers, such as: full name, CPF, ID, driver's license, telephone number, email and bank details – the aid will be deposited automatically and directly into the account provided.

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Once the law actually goes into effect, it is likely that a request form be available so that interested parties who were not yet covered the first time can fill in all the information mentioned above. It is likely that they will start receiving it soon.

Check it out: Learn how to request an extraordinary FGTS withdrawal in 10 minutes

What did you think of the content?

Although it is a benefit that has not yet been implemented, the gasoline allowance has a very interesting purpose of helping, at least a little, Brazilian workers in the transportation sector. We hope that the text has answered all your questions, and if you want to follow other news like this, Click here and get to know our website right now!

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Wesley Silva
Wesley Silva é apaixonado por tecnologia e inovação, com mais de 5 anos de experiência na área. Com um olhar crítico e sempre atento às novidades digitais, ele dedica-se a tornar a tecnologia mais acessível e descomplicada para todos. No Sanatório Geek Tech, Wesley compartilha suas descobertas e análises sobre aplicativos e benefícios sociais, sempre com foco na transformação digital e na inclusão.


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