Cookies Policy

About the use of Cookies:

We at Sanatório Geek want to personalize your experience when accessing our website. Therefore, we store your browsing habits and other information to improve your experience with us.

We do this by storing cookies on your device.

And what are Cookies?

These are small files that are added to our users' devices to personalize and improve their experience on the platform. In addition, these cookies are used to analyze traffic and allow us to know that the user has browsed certain websites. This technology does not provide access to the user's devices or collect information that the user has chosen not to provide; only what you have chosen to provide us is collected.

What types of Cookies do we use?

Strictly necessary:

Strictly necessary cookies, as the name suggests, are essential for the website to function and therefore cannot be switched off in our systems. It is common for these cookies to be set in response to certain actions that correspond to a request for a service. You can use your browser settings to block them, but this will mean that parts of the website will not function properly.

NameSupplierModelCategoryExpires on
__cfduidcloudflare.comthirdStrictly necessary2 years

Targeting / Advertising

We or our marketing and advertising service providers store these cookies. They are used to analyze user preferences and advertise according to your interests. Denying these cookies means you will receive less targeted advertising, i.e. your interests will not be taken into account.

NameSupplierModelCategoryExpires on
IDEdoubleclick.netThirdTargeting / Advertising1 year
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEyoutube.comThirdTargeting / Advertising6 months
test_cookiedoubleclick.netThirdTargeting / AdvertisingExpired
YSCyoutube.comThirdTargeting / AdvertisingSession
_gat_gtag_***https://sanatoriogeek.comownerTargeting / AdvertisingExpired
CONSENTyoutube.comThirdTargeting / Advertising16 years old


These cookies allow us to count visits to the website, as well as provide us with metrics about our performance, so we know where we can improve. They help us identify which pages are receiving the most and least visits, as well as understand where these visits come from.

NameSupplierModelCategoryExpires on
_gidhttps://sanatoriogeek.comFirst PartyPerformance1 day
_gahttps://sanatoriogeek.comFirst PartyPerformance2 years

How to avoid these Cookies?

You can click on “help” within the browser settings you use to see how to prevent accepting cookies, as well as to be notified when you receive new cookies, disable existing ones, check their validity, etc.

Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | Safari | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge | Opera

Cookie Policy generated by ADJUS.
Last update: 07/11/2022